Digital Marketing
Search Engine Optimization

Guide to International SEO

February 22, 2023
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Now you've learned the basics of SEO, it's time to go global! Search engine results are different for every country, meaning might display your website in a different position than (Ireland) or (Brazil).That's why international search engine optimization is so important! It lets you optimize your site so search engines around the world can find your content. Don't worry, you don't have to optimize your site for every search engine in every country on the planet. (Google alone has 219 local versions!) But making your content more search-friendly in the countries you want to target with your products and services can prove lucrative. We're going to tell you why!

What is international SEO?

International SEO is just like regular SEO. It's the process of optimizing your website and other online properties to rank higher in search results. The major difference with international SEO is that you'll optimize your site for audiences in different countries and regions. Remember, those audiences might speak a different language than you, but you don't need to enroll in a Rosetta Stone program to excel at international SEO!With international SEO, you're simply telling search engines like Google that your website targets audiences in another country or region. Those search engines then rank your content for local versions like they normally would.Like regular SEO, it can take a while to generate results from your international search campaigns. However, stick with this marketing method, and you'll soon receive traffic from customers in your target countries. For more explosive results, think about working with a full-service digital marketing agency that understands local SEO and why it matters. Here at Symphonic Digital, we know how to optimize your website for international markets and will help you build an international search engine optimization strategy based on your business budget and requirements. It's that simple.

Why is international SEO important?

International SEO is critical if you want to grow a global business:

Target a New Audience

International search engine optimization targets a whole new audience that might be interested in your offerings. You might find your product or service satisfies a real need in a part of the world that you've never even traveled to, resulting in lots of brand new potential customers.

Drive Revenue

It's a big world out there, and targeting customers in different countries can generate more revenue. Why sell your products or services in one place when you can sell them in multiple locations?

Increase Exposure

Targeting more countries means more exposure. You can show off your offerings to customers in diverse regions and reap the benefits of increased brand awareness. That's not all. Exposing your products and services to more customers worldwide can improve brand equity, brand loyalty, and customer trust in one fell swoop.

Boost Recognition

It's a similar story for brand recognition. Reaching more people around the world means more people will recognize your brand and want to do business with you. When potential customers recognize your brand, they will become more familiar with your products and services, which can result in more sales.

Should I use international SEO?

Relying on one market for sales isn't always a great idea for every business. If the economy slumps or consumer preferences change, you don't have a lot to fall back on. That's why the world's most successful brands have operations in multiple regions. So if you want to target as many clients outside your local area as possible, international SEO is definitely for you. International SEO can also give you a competitive advantage in your industry. If your competitors only target domestic customers, you can take advantage of gaps in the market and generate revenue from international markets. This marketing method isn't right for everyone, though. If you don't plan to expand beyond your city, state, or country, focus your efforts on local search engine optimization instead. That will drive traffic to your site and increase visibility for your business on a local level. Weigh up the pros and cons of international SEO before investing in this method.

How to implement international SEO: Best strategies

Here are some international SEO best practices:

Translating Content

Translating your website for different markets is one of the best ways to win at international SEO. It will make your content appear more authentic to international customers and help you establish a presence on local search engines. You can hire a human to translate your content or use tools like Google Translate. For additional SEO value, include a few local cultural references (if you feel confident doing so) in your content. For example, if you want to sell footwear in the UK, you can mention how your shoes will keep customers' feet warm during chilly British winters!

International SEO strategies: Use local keywords

Search users in different regions won't necessarily use the same keywords as those in your country. So review popular and trending keywords in your target countries on a keyword research tool and naturally incorporate them into your content for organic search. If these keywords are in another language, make sure you know what they mean before adding them to blog posts and other content.

International Links

Link building is one of the core components of a regular SEO campaign, and it's just as important for international search engine optimization. Website pages and blog posts that include local authoritative sources in the countries you want to target can enhance international SEO and make your content more credible. For example, you might want to include links to the Canadian government's website (if relevant) in a blog post for customers in Canada.

Before You Go

International search engine optimization isn't for everyone, but it can help you rank higher in local search engines when targeting customers in other countries and regions. Follow the tips above to learn how to do international SEO and consider working with a full-service digital marketing agency for even better results. The right company will target your international audience, boost growth, and increase visibility. Start your international SEO journey now with Symphonic Digital!