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Static vs Dynamic Ads: Which is Best?

March 22, 2023
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There are two main ad types: Static and dynamic. Both ads are effective but serve different purposes and achieve different end goals. So, which one is best for you? Learn more about dynamic ads vs static ads below!

Are static and dynamic ads the same?

No, static and dynamic ads couldn't be more different! The simple answer to this question is that static ads never change, meaning everyone will see the same thing, regardless of their location or the device they are viewing from. Dynamic ads, on the other hand, change based on the person seeing them. That lets you create different ads for different audiences with different demographics and behaviors. Deciding between static or dynamic all depends on your marketing goals! There's a lot more to static vs dynamic than this though, as described below:

What is a static ad?

As just mentioned, static ads never change. So someone from Missouri will see the ad from a company as someone in Malaysia. That makes them great for targeting a large generalized audience because everyone sees exactly the same thing. Static ads might include words, images, videos, or animation. A common example of this ad type is a banner ad containing some text, visuals, and a call-to-action (CTA). Something like 'New sneakers for the sophisticated hiker' overlayed on an image of Yosemite National Park with a 'Buy now' CTA. Everyone will see the same words, image, and CTA, so there's a definite uniformity and universality about this ad type.

Examples of static ads

You might come across static ads on web pages (banner ads, display ads, pop-up ads, etc.), search engine pages (organic and PPC ads), and social media platforms (paid posts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

What are dynamic ads?

So, what are dynamic ads then? Unlike static ads, dynamic ads change depending on the person viewing them. For example, someone in Missouri will see a different ad from the same company as someone in Malaysia. So dynamic ads are great for targeting specific audiences with shared behaviors, demographics, and psychographics (an audience's shared values, attitudes, and aspirations). The technology behind dynamic ads is complicated, and you don't really need to know about it other than it works! Dynamic ads include text, images, and other visuals that change when tracking pixels determine an internet user's behavior, demographics, and psychographics. Pixels are tiny snippets of that pre-programmed code that accumulate information about people as they browse the internet. Facebook, for example, uses pixels to determine what ads a user sees when they log into their account and scroll through their newsfeed and other areas of the social network. Also, like static ads, dynamic ads might include videos, animation, and a CTA. However, the exact specifics of these formats change depending on the person. Someone in Missouri, for example, might see an ad with the CTA text "Book a hotel room in Kansas City" overlayed on an image of the famous Kansas City Zoo. While someone in Malaysia might see an ad from the same travel company with the text "Book a hotel in Kuala Lumpur" and an image of the Petronis Twin Towers.

Examples of dynamic ads

You might see dynamic ads on web pages, social media feeds, and personalized emails. Typically, these ads are sponsored or 'native' content that shows on a third-party advertising service (Twitter, Facebook, a company's website, etc.) but is paid for by an advertiser or 'publisher' like your company.

Static vs Dynamic: Which ad type is best for me?

This might sound like a vague answer, but it all depends on your marketing goals and business model! That's because static vs dynamic ads both have pros and cons.

Pros of static ads

Here are some advantages of this ad type:Set up, simplicity, and affordabilityStatic ads are incredibly simple to set up because you only create one ad for the same audience. That works out less expensive than creating different dynamic ads for different audiences. So static ads are simple and low maintenance but still extremely effective.Reach a larger audienceSo why are static ads so effective? Because they let you reach a broad audience that might include lots of people interested in your products or services. Static ads also boost brand recognition among a large audience, helping you drive more traffic to your web pages and other online properties.

Pros of dynamic ads

Here are some advantages of this ad type:Easily targetableYou target dynamic ads to a specific audience with a similar location, interests, age range, and other behavior, demographics, and psychographics. So you can fine-tune your marketing and reach more segmented audiences interested in your offerings rather than wasting your time targeting a larger group of people who might never convert. More eye-catching and memorableBecause you target dynamic ads to specific audiences, those audiences are more likely to remember those ads, especially if you include information relevant to them and visuals they really resonate with. For example, an audience in New York City might respond better to an ad with local slang or a cultural reference. Targeting specific images and other visuals to a segmented audience also makes dynamic ads more eye-catching, letting you grab the attention of your desired potential customers.

Final Word About Static vs Dynamic

Static and dynamic are two effective ad types with different purposes and achieve different end goals. Static ads never change, but that's not a bad thing because you can target larger audiences and save marketing spend. Dynamic ads change depending on who views them but are easily targetable and can be more eye-catching and memorable than static ones. Whatever type you choose, working with a full-service digital marketing agency like Symphonic Digital helps you achieve your marketing goals.