Do your clients want you to help them with content marketing? According to Wordstream’s State of the Digital Marketing Agency report, 74.6% of agencies offer content services. If you don’t offer content marketing services, you’re going to have a difficult time competing, and you are leaving a gap in the services that you provide. While it may not make sense for you to grow your staff to address content creation, you can use white label digital marketing services to help you generate this content. Under your brand, an agency can generate content to expand your services in a much more cost-effective way.
What is White Label Content Creation?
You’re probably familiar with the term white label. A vendor sells you something that you can then sell as your own. They sell it to you without branding it or with a “white label.” When referring to white label content, it means that the writer provides content that you can offer to your clients using your own brand and pricing.
What are the Benefits of White Label Content Services?
You have two options if you want to offer content to your agency clients. You can hire writers as permanent employees, or you can work with a partner that writes white label content, especially for your clients. For most agencies, writing isn’t part of their core business. If that’s true for you, there’s no real motivation to create a new department with full-time writers. However, you can increase your billings with white label services. And, there are a range of other benefits.
You can stay focused on your core services.Developing and managing your own content creation team will take away from your focus on your core services.
You’ll save money.It’s less expensive to use white label content marketing than it is to take on new employees.
You only pay for what you need.It’s much easier to manage an ebb and flow of content requirements when you have the flexibility to scale up or down easily.
You will become more competitive with large agencies.When you use white label content marketing services, you don’t need to be a large agency to offer a full range of services.
You won’t need to develop content creation expertise.You’ll be working with professionals who have the expertise to write SEO-optimized content that will meet your clients’ needs.
You can increase the effectiveness of existing services.Incorporating a content strategy into your offerings will let you fill the gap for your clients and support your other services.
What Type of Content Can a White Label Agency Create?
The need for professional writers is high because your clients don’t usually have that skillset in-house. When clients try to prepare a range of content for marketing and sales, it won’t be as effective as it should be. A white label content creation agency can offer a wide range of services to allow you to meet all of your clients’ needs.
Blog posts.Blogging is an important part of your clients’ online traffic strategy. In fact, companies that blog receive 67 percent more leads than those that don’t blog. Your ability to help establish an effective blog for your clients will help to cement your relationship and improve client retention.
Website copy.Driving traffic to your clients’ websites won’t produce good results unless the web pages that the visitors land on are well written and structured to encourage contact. You can have a big impact on their website success if you can offer web pages that produce results.
White papers.Your clients who have a long sales cycle need many different types of content. A white paper is effective in moving buyers down the sales funnel. Done well, a white paper also establishes your client as an authority in their industry.
Case studies.Case studies are an outstanding form of social proof that buyers are looking for as they enter the consideration stage of the buyer’s journey.
Product copy.White label copywriting is an excellent source of marketing and sales copy. Often, your customers will be too close to their products to write effective descriptions. Bringing in a copywriter with a new perspective can make all the difference.
Ad copy.A writer who specializes in ad copy will produce copy for your clients’ ads that typically surpasses anything that your clients can produce themselves.
Social media posts.You can make a big impact on your clients’ visibility by offering posts for social media that are properly structured and formatted for various outlets.
What are White Label Content Marketing Best Practices?
You may be asking yourself how you can use white label content marketing services while still maintaining the control you need to ensure that you are meeting your clients’ needs and maintaining the quality they expect. These best practices will help you feel comfortable when you choose a content marketing partner.
1. Identify the type of support you need
Start by clarifying the type of support you need and your expectations of a white label content partner. For example, a number of things go into developing a strong content marketing program, including:
- Establishing goals
- Defining the company’s story and voice
- Developing buyer personas
- Researching to identify keyword targets
- Identifying target vehicles; i.e., blogs, social media sites
- Identifying the required types of content
- Identifying the frequency of publication
- Creating a content marketing schedule
You may do all the work to lay the foundation, or you may want your partner to handle some activities. For example, you may have worked with the client to develop their story and voice, but you haven’t done keyword research or developed a schedule. Your partner should also be prepared to handle everything for you.
2. Identify the skills you need
Does your agency specialize in providing services to one or several industries, or do your clients come from a wide variety of industries? Do you need technical articles that dissect the inner workings of a client’s software product, or does your client need more strategic content that educates and attracts managers or C-level executives?Keep in mind that you can find writers who know about the industries you deal with, but the subject matter experts in your client organizations are still going to be the authorities. Identify any other skill requirements that will be important to a successful partnership, such as extensive research, conducting interviews, or using your content management technology or your clients’.
3. Decide how you want to work with a service provider
Do you want to be the only one who works directly with clients? If so, you must have an excellent process in place to communicate everything the writers need to know. If you keep the professionals you hire at a distance from the client, you need to ensure that the content you receive from them doesn’t sound too generic. You can also integrate the white label service provider into your team, which typically produces much better results.In addition, decide how you will handle revisions. Will your clients require extensive revisions? If so, decide if you will handle those revisions or turn them back over to the service provider. If you want the service provider to manage revisions, it’s usually best to have the client and the writer work together. Typically, putting a third person into the middle of the process dilutes the intent of a requested revision and results in less than satisfactory outcomes.
4. Develop a content brief template for each client
If your white label content partner is managing the client relationship, they will create the needed documentation. If you will be managing the client relationship, you’ll need to be very specific about the content jobs you outsource. Create a template that includes the following types of information for each client job:
- Audience/customer personas
- Required word count
- Keywords
- Voice
- Requirements for links to outside sources and a brief description of the types of acceptable resources
- Requirements for links to pages on the client website
- A company style guide if available
How Can You Find the Right White Label Copywriting Partner?
When you decide to enhance your business by providing content, you need the right white label partner to make that effort a success. If you’ve followed the best practices described above, you have a good start on what you need to evaluate a potential partner. Ask your prospects these types of questions.[3]
- Can you provide all the services we want a partner to provide?
- What expertise can you provide in our clients’ industries?
- What expertise can you provide in researching, interviewing, and SEO-optimized writing?
- What level of customer service and responsiveness can you provide?
- Do you regularly meet precise deadlines?
- How do you define a quality piece of content?
- How do you ensure consistent quality?
- How do you adapt to unique client requests?
You’ll also need to set your budget according to the quality you require. You can get very inexpensive writing, but if you want content that will make your clients sit up and take notice, you’ll need to budget for that level of expertise.
Where to Go From Here?
Becoming a full-service digital agency is challenging, but you can get there by partnering with a white label digital marketing agency. Besides content marketing, you can find outstanding white label service providers that offer SEO, SEM, display advertising, and more. Symphonic Digital can offer your clients a wide range of services. If you have questions or want to discuss how we can work together, get in touch.