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Performance Delivered Podcast

Ryan Draving | Why LinkedIn Has the Best Advertising ROI

July 4, 2023
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Why do LinkedIn ads crush Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram for return on advertising spend? 

When it comes to B2B social ads, my guest Ryan Draving believes that LinkedIn is the most effective platform—and in this episode he’ll share why. 

As the co-founder and head of strategy at The Moving Company, Ryan collaborates with B2B marketing teams to drive MQLs, SQLs, and revenue. 

He’ll cover:

  • Why LinkedIn is a great place for early and mid stage content
  • How to gain quality leads on LinkedIn
  • Using LinkedIn for partnerships
  • AB…Z Testing
  • And more

Mentioned in this episode:


Voiceover: This is Performance Delivered, Insider Secrets for Digital Marketing Success with Steffen Horst and Dave Antil.Steffen Horst: Welcome to the Performance Delivered Insider Secrets for Digital Marketing Success podcast, where we talk with marketing and agency executives and learn how they build successful businesses and their personal brand. I'm your host, Steffen Horst. The topic for today's episode is b2b social ads, why LinkedIn ads crushes Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram for return on advertising spend. Here to speak with me is Ryan Draving, who is the Co-Founder and Head of Strategy at The Moving Company, a Philadelphia based b2b agency focused on revenue growth for its clients. Ryan is a seasoned b2b and SaaS digital marketing consultant. He collaborates with b2b marketing teams to drive MQLs, SQLs and revenue. Ryan, welcome to the show.Ryan Draving: Thank you so much, Steffen. It's a pleasure to be here.Steffen: Now, Ryan, before we start talking about why LinkedIn ads crush all the other social platforms. Tell our listeners a little bit more about yourself. How did you get started in your career and what led you to founding The Moving Company?Ryan: Sure. So I've got some great parents. I got lucky and my dad, he ran a computer consulting company. So I enjoyed working with him for you know, a few summers in between, you know, high school and junior high school even. In junior high, I started doing a little bit of playing around with some of the photo creation tools, the design tools. Started doing some ads for some local businesses, some small businesses. And then got into Microsoft front page, which was one of the very first What You See Is What You Get editors back in the 90s, late 90s, for websites. And so I started playing with that got into that. I went to school for business management. And when I graduated, I started working with a friend of mine from kindergarten. And he and I had a ecommerce business going, that is still going today, Great place to get your car covers and your floor mats if you need any. But we grew that over the first three years to a $2.2 million run total. And that kind of got the fire underneath for digital advertising, digital marketing. Really ecommerce at the time but that expanded into overall digital marketing and then narrowed down into b2b relatively quickly. Did some work with Comcast Business consulting there, did some work with some other b2b organizations, and really started to move to the point where most of my clientele today, in the company that that I built with my co founders, really is companies, which are all b2b, a lot of SaaS, some service based businesses and a number that are hybrid, and largely companies that have a complex sales cycle.Steffen: Interesting. Now, it's a bold statement to say, you know, LinkedIn ads crush Facebook and all the other platforms. So forget about them, just focus on LinkedIn. And let's start off there. Why should people forget about the others? Or is there a caveat to that statement?Ryan: That's a good question, right. There's always a little bit of detail behind it. So in this particular case, well, first of all, I'll say that this is applicable directly to social right. So when I'm talking about LinkedIn ads, crushing it over all the other platforms, I'm talking about social platforms. But when we look at LinkedIn ads, versus Facebook ads, versus TikTok and Pinterest and really everything else out there, there are so many places that you can be and some marketers will tell you what you should be everywhere and have a presence everywhere because your audience is everywhere. I generally look at that and say, okay, where is your audience really trying to have the kind of conversation that you want to be able to have with them. And that conversation is not necessarily hey, buy my product. But at the very least, they're on there not because they're trying to take a break and unwind from the workday, but they're instead on there, because they're interested in learning something about their career and their career growth. LinkedIn is a fantastic place for early and mid stage content. And so that's the kind of content that is really going to draw people in there. When you look at Facebook, you look at Twitter, Twitter just doesn't have the kind of attention span from the audience, right. So your audience is probably on Twitter as a b2b company, they may be on there for a career. On Facebook, you're generally not on there looking, and Instagram, you're not generally looking for career related information. There's so much else that's shiny and distracting. And on LinkedIn, you're competing with other businesses and other business professionals talking about business items. So you can be as shiny and exciting and interesting as the next topic and the next post. So that's one reason. The other is that the targeting on LinkedIn is so tight relative to every other network out there. Now you can build custom audiences and custom match lists to be able to upload. But if you don't already have the custom list of email addresses and contact names and websites of every one of your target decision makers, and the right email for them that they happen to be using on that social network, you're kind of out of luck. And on LinkedIn, the level of targeting you get on the job site is so specific, because obviously, it's a career platform unlike these others. Now, there are some uses for these other platforms. I can talk about that in a moment.Steffen: Interesting. Now, when you talk about LinkedIn, it's just great from a result perspective. When talking about, you know, we talk about leads or whatever happens down the sales funnel, so sales, at the end of the day. Are we talking about the quality, or quantity of leads being generated, or is it both?Ryan: It's a great question. So I think about it two ways. When I look at this, first of all, when we think about quality, there are a lot of factors that go into that. And each business has its own definitions of what a quality lead is, right. That's decided on between sales and marketing. But at the very least, you know that a quality lead needs to have the right business firmographics. It needs to have the right data about both industry, about job title and seniority, like the department and the function. It needs to have, it needs to be the right people, right. The people who are on the buying committee, at least, and ideally, are decision makers, or heavy influencers of that buying process. And there are various types of assets that you might put out to others who are more veto overs like IT often in the clients that I work with. What we look at there is really, with LinkedIn, it's about quality leads, first of all. It's about a reasonable quantity, especially when you look at the cost per lead. And yes, you're going to get from LinkedIn, maybe two out of three of the leads that you get are really going to match the criteria that you are targeting. But you just have to factor that into your cost per lead and realize that yeah, okay. So add on 30% and you've got still a very good cost per lead.Steffen: So that's an interesting statement you just said, because Interesting enough, I had a call earlier with a client of ours, which is a b2b client, and we talked about, you know, what is your lead to MQL rate? And they were talking about, you know what, at the moment, paid media is kind of, on about, I think 20-25%. Which I think is not too bad, you know, but they want to be more towards 50%. But, and this is where your statement is interesting. I quite often have conversations with companies, and they're generally just interested in the lead. It's like, give me more leads. And then when I start talking, it's like, look, it's not about the lead. They could be all unqualified, and you don't on the bottom line, see sales and revenue, right? So it's about quality lead. And that might mean that your actual cost per lead goes up, because you might get less leads, but the number of leads you get are all this and more qualified, which means what comes out on a bottom is still higher than with your previous approach.Ryan: You couldn't be more on point. And fortunately, more often than not my clients understand that fairly intuitively. You know, the smaller the company is, the more likely they're thinking I just need leads. Eventually, they start to realize, you know, as they grow, and as they have more leads than they can deal with, it starts to become more about quality. And so when you think about it, okay, well, I want my lead to MQL ratio to be x. Well, no, really what I want is a certain number of MQLs in the month, and I want that to be growing over time.And I want that to be at a cost per lead or cost per MQL that is highly profitable for me. And so that's where I say, okay, well, yeah, I'm not worried about your lead to MQL ratio, what I'm worried about is your cost per MQL. And the volume of MQLs. And how fast those move from MQL through to SQL through to a true hot opportunity and negotiation, through to actual real revenue. And how long this client stay with you as well.Steffen: That makes a lot of sense. Now, in conversations with colleagues and peers in the market, I quite often hear well, you know, yeah, LinkedIn is great, has a lot of great targeting but it's very expensive, and you know, for the b2b clients that we have, it doesn't make sense. Our feeling is, you know, it's working for companies that have a lifetime value of plus $10,000. What are your thoughts on that?Ryan: I agree with you and them fully, except a couple of caveats. out. But the first thing is I actually agree with that. I'm not going to be controversial on this topic. It is excellent for, you know, like I said, those are my kind of clients. Typically my clients have at least a 10,000 lifetime value. And often it's 10,000 per year, sometimes per month or more. And so LinkedIn is fantastic for those companies. If your business really relies on high volume, rather than a small number of clients with a large average contract value, then really, yeah, you probably don't have money to be spending on advertising in general. And your play is probably much more on the content side. And on the partner side. LinkedIn is fantastic for generating partnerships as well. I use LinkedIn for partnerships for our own business and for our clients. We just started working with a new client $300,000 contract value about 367 contract value for the first six months, right. And that is directly from a partner generated through LinkedIn. And so that is the primary method that we use for our own agency to grow our business. Now, for most of our clients, LinkedIn alone is not nearly enough. But it really depends on the volume that you need. I almost always pair it with Google ads, just as a marketing agency, that's the one place that every marketing agency goes to first. So I always try to zag when everyone else is going in a different direction.Steffen: What do you do using LinkedIn from a partnership perspective? Might be interesting for companies that don't have a, you know, ticket volume or lifetime value of plus $10,000.Ryan: Sure. So when we look at partners on LinkedIn, we start by saying, okay, who are the golden geese in your industry, right? And I use that, it's very colloquial, but golden geese really just, you know, who are the individuals, and I say, individuals, not companies for a reason. Who are the individuals who have the kind of network and relationships where once they say, you know, what, I trust this business, I can see the results, I see the value and people that I know need to know this company. When you have that kind of person in mind, it's sometimes hard to create those relationships at scale. Now, how do businesses usually do that? They do it by going to networking sessions, they do it very rarely, but occasionally by cold calling, they do it by asking their friends and their colleagues and their connections for introductions. But at the end of the day, none of those approaches are very scalable. I would say the most scalable approach for it is, outside of LinkedIn ads, is simply LinkedIn messaging. But that itself has all kinds of issues and challenges with it. In terms of both costs, but primarily in terms of time, in terms of how much you can actually scale that, how many messages you can send a day. In terms of the you know, how that impacts your particular brand with those people who are not pleased about getting, you know, cold messages constantly, right? We're all getting inundated now across all of our platforms. So when we look at LinkedIn ads, to reach channel partners, we have a whole process to go out to incentivize them to take 25 minutes on a call. That 25 minutes is the first chance to establish a little bit of connection to understand who they are, and make sure that they're a good fit partner, to tell them a little bit about what you do with your partnership program. And we have a whole process for that as well. But then in that 25 minutes, you've now either established that, no, they're not a good fit for you, or hopefully tempted them into the idea of saying, yeah, let's hop on another call. And then that next call is maybe an hour long. It's a whole that the intention of the call that set on the first call for that second call is a dog and pony show. And you're walking them through all kinds of results that you have, right? All of the kinds of work that you do, and you're learning a little bit more about them as well. And so now you started this relationship. And then there's a whole process that we go through to expand out from there. At the end of the day, these people who are cold, LinkedIn ad prospects for partnerships, they end up going from a first call where they don't know anything about you, to the point where they're saying here's a download of my LinkedIn connections, here's an export of my email connections. I'd like you to look through that and tell me anyone that you see that you'd like an introduction to, because I'd love to make some introductions for you. And the reason that we do those exports is because you can say, someone can say, oh, yeah, I'd love to make introductions. But even just taking the time to think through who's the right fit, sometimes that's a lot to ask of a partner. So that's how we use LinkedIn for establishing those partnerships. And then they make those introductions. It's not, hey, I've used this business and they're the best thing ever. It's, hey, I've seen some of the results that they've shared with me and it's impressive and based on what they do, I think you two should talk. Feel free to disregard this if it's not helpful, right? So it's a very casual introduction. But as long as you do have quality content that reinforces your results, which is a whole separate conversation we could have, then you're in really great shape to build partnerships.Steffen: Okay. Now let's let's, let's move on with talking about how to make LinkedIn hum for your b2b company. Two things that always come to mind. I mean, everyone can do the targeting part. And obviously, it's part of setting up a campaign, creating segments tightly enough or wide enough to get enough information to decide whether it's, you know, there's a segment that makes sense or not. But two things that always come up, testing and landing pages. So let's talk about testing first. What's you guys' approach? Or where do you see the importance of testing? Is it A/B testing that you apply? Is there a different testing approach that you guys do to create great results for your clients?Ryan: Yeah, so we actually use a testing method that we call AB...Z testing, and it's actually a b dot dot dot z. Because there's ABZ testing, I'll explain first of all, something that I do recommend, which is the typical ABZ test. That is, you test, variation one, variation two, and then you test something that is wildly out there in left field, but that you think might hit and might go really, really well. But it certainly is going to be a vastly different result than then A and B. What we do is AB...Z, really, if you look at it as a spreadsheet, AB, you know, about BZ would be where you end up. We usually start off very first month with about 50 different ads targeted to the decision makers that we're reaching out to on LinkedIn through LinkedIn ads. Those 50 different ads are a whole variety of messaging. And that messaging comes from a couple of different places. But before I go on about that, let me just explain a little bit more. So those 50 ads, we test for a couple of key metrics. We're looking at the KPIs of click through rate, and the KPI of conversion rate, and cost per conversion. So those are the three that we're looking at initially. Now, those are early signals, right? Those are early indicators. Some people would say, well, number of impressions is an early indicator. That's a useless early indicator, right. As you know, like, yeah, it's good to know what the impressions are, but it's not going to do anything for your business. But even conversion rate and cost per conversion, those are early indicators of okay, are these leads also going to move all the way through the funnel. But that's where we start. And then over time, we work towards understanding the full funnel and improving every aspect of that. When we look at what's getting measured, and statistically significant in the very beginning, it's those key metrics. The way that we run ABZ testing is by gathering content from competitive audits. So we always start off with a competitive audit, we go and look at all of the ads that your competitors are running. We look at their web pages, and then we look at your content that you've run in the past. Historical audit of the account if there's anything of value in there already. And if not, we're looking at your general messaging, immersing into the account, and then creating those variants based on what we think will work in collaboration with your team, right. And so then those 50 variants, of those, we really only need two or three to be winners. And the goal is that you've got a lot of losers and a lot of winners. Now, at the end of the day, LinkedIn says .35% is a successful LinkedIn ads campaign. What we typically are coming out of the gate with is somewhere between 1.4, 1.5%. And I'm saying click through rate right now. 1.4, 1.5%. We've had one client where it was actually 35% out of the gate with 10s of 1000s of actual clicks. So when you look at okay, well, what's the actual click through rate? That really impacts your bidding strategy as well. So it's this interconnected web. But when you look at the type of testing, yeah, it's got to be with LinkedIn, testing out your messaging. And the reason for that is, one, it improves your overall success on LinkedIn. Two, you're gonna get messaging insights that you can apply across your entire business. All the collateral, all the websites, digital and traditional assets that you create tradeshow booths, anything that you do, you're going to learn from LinkedIn, what your direct targeted decision makers respond well to.Steffen: Interesting. Now, how do landing pages play in? I mean, you know, creating lots of ads is one thing, and I think it's really important to do so. Because you need to find a way that the right message resonates with the right group of people that you're targeting. But then when you throw in landing pages, that kind of multiplies the testing part because, you know, you have to think about, okay, how many different landing pages do we need? Well, you start off with, you know, how do we break that down? Is it by product? Is it by message? Is it by where people are in a funnel? Is it by content? And all of a sudden, you know, you create a lot of permutations, which you don't need to kind of track back and decide which combination works well. Where do we see better results? Talk to us about your approach with landing pages as it relates to that entire process of A/B testing and improving results.Ryan: Sure, and I'll tell you landing pages, we focus the most on within Google ads. So on LinkedIn ads, we're generally sending people directly to either the content asset landing page, which we test that at a broader level, to get the UX in the design exactly right for our audience. But once you have a landing page that's set up properly for a webinar, for instance, and you know that that's really hitting well and winning with your audience, replicating that, again, you don't need to totally A/B test the whole thing. Again, you're testing a few things. The headlines, you know, that kind of thing. But even that applies across the board fairly well. So what we're really looking at when we're testing heavily, is, in the long term and ongoing is testing for the product based pages, right. So all of those pages that are directly about the product, or offering, or service. And with that we test the most within Google ads. And we use all the landing pages that we test on Google ads, and apply that to LinkedIn. So on LinkedIn, we're getting all the messaging, right and applying that to Google ads. On Google, we're getting all of the landing pages right and applying that to LinkedIn ads. On Google, we are getting really, really nuanced with search intent. So whereas on LinkedIn, we get very nuanced with the target audience, on Google, we get very nuanced with the search intent. Which also taps to the target audience, but not in a way that we have the visibility into on LinkedIn, that we do on LinkedIn. So on Google, what we're doing is often a one to one match of the actual search keyword and the landing page. And the way we do that is through a database driven landing page system, where instead of saying, okay, well, I need to create a new landing page for XYZ keyword that is a really important term, or even XYZ ad group. Instead, we're saying, okay, that keyword, let's sub that in, let's create a set of landing pages. And each one is for a particular product. Sometimes for a buyer persona within that product set. But a particular product. And then let's take a dynamic insertion to dynamically insert the keywords in the appropriate places throughout and sometimes insert whole paragraphs differently. Different imagery, right. But then you're able to scale up at a much different way than you would if you were saying, okay, developer, I'd like you to clone this page. Copywriter, I'd like you to make sure that all the copy is properly in the right places on this clone page. And then you ran a test and you realize it's working well, suddenly, you have 400 pages, that all need to be recoded to match the new design. Like that doesn't work, right? When you're trying to really scale for a business to succeed really well on Google ads. And when you think about, you know, our clients, or any company that's running more of a dynamic insertion strategy, or a database driven strategy on their landing pages, versus a company that is doing the old fashioned approach, there's no question which one is going to win as long as everything else is equal.Steffen: That makes sense. Are there other ways how you make LinkedIn and Google or vice versa, work with each other? Because at the end of the day, as you said earlier, you know, LinkedIn activities, awareness, mid level consideration areas, where you kind of, you get in touch with, with your target audience, you tell them about the company that you're promoting about the product or services, whatever it is, right? And you kind of start taking them on their hand, and leading them down the funnel to a point where they then decide, hey, I want to have that ebook, I want to sign up for the webinar, for example. But then, at that point, LinkedIn kind of almost stops, right, then you have to take them into into another channel, which is more intent based as Google is, where when they're ready is like, I want A, B, C, you are there with your ad, and you can basically convert them. So are there any additional things that you guys do specifically to lead people down and to make that connection successful?Ryan: Yes, that's a great question. So inside of our overall bucket, I would say of Account Based Marketing, and what we also refer to it as targeted sales approach, right? But within Account Based Marketing, it always starts with understanding exactly who's in the audience and building that custom list. That first of all, when we know that that list should be receiving a mix of education about the product, and content, and then also be able to easily find you on search if they happen to be searching separately so that then they're saying, oh, yeah, that company I see them around all over the place, right. For one of our clients that I just provided a report to, right? What we identified is that the average account that they win across the entire company, the average account that they win has been touched on LinkedIn 79 times with image ads inside of native LinkedIn feed posts and sidebar ads on LinkedIn. Now there are other ways that we're reaching out to them as well. But 79 times, right. You think the old rule of thumb was okay, someone needs to see your ad seven times before they buy. That's not true anymore. But that 79 times is not nearly as expensive when you are targeting down to the exact right people, because you're not putting it out there to a million of the wrong people. But when you think about how does that impact someone who searches on Google. But when they search on Google, and they see the top three results, which usually are sponsored ads, and then maybe if they're savvy enough, they scroll down to the organic results, too, and see the top three there, if they're seeing a name that they recognize, that totally changes things. So we've paused LinkedIn ads at client's requests, where we were essentially blanketing the market with what we call air cover on LinkedIn for the brand, right? And that does generate high quality leads, but it also provides the brand awareness and education that is needed to convert in other channels. And so what we see and we've seen this multiple times, when we when a client says, well, I want to pause LinkedIn ads, because Google ads is performing so well for us, I want you to double that. And it's like, alright, cool, well, we'll do that. But here's what you should probably expect. And you look at the charts. And you can tell exactly where LinkedIn ad stops based on the number of conversions on Google ads, totally unrelated to LinkedIn ads, right? Because it's not unrelated, they're intricately tied together.Steffen: I think that's a great point, to be honest, because at the end of the day, you're priming the prospects with what you do on LinkedIn. You know, you're introducing them to the product, to the company. And you're creating a space in the minds of the target audience. And as you said, once they are then actively searching for things, there is the recognition basically happening. Without that awareness built, that company is just one of three or, one of six if you know, want to take the first three positions from an organic perspective as well. So I think before we come to the end of today's podcast, there's one question I have for you, which I have discussed with clients about that, I'm pretty sure you have too, which is measurement. When you do more upper and mid funnel activities, which is not necessarily so focused on lead generation. As I said, it's more about priming the audience and bringing them down the funnel and preparing them for conversion on kind of the retargeting side or the search side or whatever someone does, on the lower funnel part. There's always the question of well, first of all, do we really need it? So if that's the question comes up, then it's like how can we measure and show the impact of that, you know, of those awareness and consideration activities. Now you just said some clients ask you to turn off LinkedIn and you know that's a way to show it but it's painful because they will lose good amount of leads until they really realize they need that but.Ryan: It usually takes at least two months before they say okay you know what the data is significant, I get it.Steffen: So talk about your measurement approach and to outside of just turning off you know, brand awareness and consideration activities to showcase to clients that there is a lot of value in there and do you take to spend and have this more mid and upper funnel and mix it with the lower funnel activity? Or do you keep it separate?Ryan: Yeah, so we do blend it together, and obviously have ways to separate it out visually as well. But we do blend that all together when we look at an account by account basis. What's the overall influence. However, there's obviously a big difference between a marketing generated lead and a marketing impacted or marketing correlated lead, marketing influence lead, however you want to call it. You know, both of them matter a lot. But what top execs are generally going to look at is the marketing generated lead. And it's an unfortunate fallacy that happens. It's not stupid, right? It makes sense. But it's a way of trying to simplify what is really a very complicated space. I'll be honest with you, I've had pretty easy and ready answers for all of your other questions. This one is something that marketers struggle with. And I'm sure you've seen it yourself. There's not a perfect world out there. And there never has been but it is a less perfect world for attribution, and especially multi touch cross channel attribution than it has ever been. And I remember Avinash Kaushik, a Google evangelist, a Google Analytics evangelist. And now, just generally analytics Guru, I guess. I remember maybe 15 years ago reading some of his content about how the data is always wrong. But you still need to tell a story with the data and understand what it's saying, as best as you can. As privacy restrictions have improved for the consumer, and therefore, every individual who works at every business, because that's all business is, is individuals. As privacy privacy regulations have improved. What that's meant for marketers is that we, despite an increasing array of tools at our disposal, are struggling more and more to be able to truly tell the story to the executives that need to know it in order to trust the data. And so you're unfortunately, either relying on, you know, the limited story that you can tell, with full transparency into what's happening. And the, you know, what I would say is analogy based examples, right? So it's much more limited datasets than your full audience. Where you're able to see, for example, probably lots of your audience listening to this using Google Analytics. Well you can see in Google Analytics, some of the paths that individuals have taken and the various touch points that have led them to the site. And so sometimes you're going to see oh, yeah, there were four different LinkedIn touches along the way. And there were two Google Ads touches, and there were organic touches. And yeah, that's, that's available sometimes, but most of the time, it's not now. And so we can either say, all right, well, we're gonna spend a very, very large amount of money to come closer to having true transparency into that. Which is as close as even the fortune 500 have is closer to transparency. Or you can say, well, we're going to go with best practices, and the limited data we have and make educated decisions based on that, and know that they are not truly scientific. There they are based on, you know, I call it analogy, it's still based on sets of data that are, you know, sometimes hundreds of 1000s large, but if it's hundreds of 1000s, that's out of, you know, 10s or hundreds of millions, that are not visible and truly tracked properly. So you end up with a loss there. That's just how it goes. And so each marketer in each company who's working with marketers has to approach that in a way that works for them. And it is the hardest part of my job, honestly.Steffen: Well, listen, Ryan, this has been a great conversation. Thank you so much for your time. If people want to find out more about you, and what you guys are doing at The Moving Company, how can they get in touch?Ryan: Sure. So, that is the way to reach us online and 2 is the number two. You can reach out to me directly,, you can find me on LinkedIn and LinkedIn is the best place to see the kind of work that we do along with our company website. But I always say LinkedIn is the one place where companies can't BS their testimonials from customers. Really, it's LinkedIn and anything on video, right. But at the end of the day, there are a lot of companies that post up fake reviews by fake customers. And so it's always fun to be able to have a client go through and check out the kind of work that we've done to bring companies to number one in their industry privately held or to help companies get to acquisition, that kind of thing. Those testimonials really, really do matter. And so I not only recommend checking mine out, but if you have not been gathering those yourself, that is such a big impact on your agency or your business to be able to show people all the great work that you do. It's something that we often overlook. After all of this work, we just don't get that extra, we don't have that extra time to go and just ask for the testimonial and it's so easy and so beautiful to the results you'll get.Steffen: Perfect. Well thanks everyone for listening. If you like the Performance Delivered podcast, please subscribe to us and leave us a review on iTunes or your favorite podcast application. If you want to find out more about Symphonic Digital, you can visit us at or follow us on Twitter at Symphonic HQ. Thanks again and see you next time.Voiceover: Performance Delivered is sponsored by Symphonic Digital. Discover audience-focused and data-driven digital marketing solutions for small and medium businesses at